Free Construction RFI Templates and Forms

By Diana Ramos | March 9, 2020

We’ve collected the most useful request for information (RFI) templates for construction in Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets.

Included in this article, you’ll find the following:

General Construction RFI Template

Sample General RFI Template for Construction

Download Blank and Sample Versions of a General Construction RFI Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template: Construction RFIs help to reduce project risks, prevent disputes, and create clear communication among the various relevant parties. This RFI template makes it easy to request information from contractors, architects, or subcontractors. Modify the template as needed for different RFI types, such as a construction coordination RFI or scope deletion RFI. Download the sample template for an example design clarification RFI.

Notable Template Features: For recordkeeping purposes, the template includes sections at the top for the project name, ID number, RFI number, RFI date, and any attached drawings. When there are potential impacts to project expenses or scheduling, add the increase or decrease to the cost and timeline. The form also includes space for adding a detailed response, allowing the document to serve as a written record of both the request for information and the reply.

Simple Construction RFI Form Template

Example Simple Construction RFI Form Template

Download Blank and Sample Versions of a Simple Construction RFI Form Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF

When to Use This Template: Use this template for routine RFIs without cost or schedule impacts, such as design clarifications, material specification questions, or minor site adjustments. Download the sample version to see an example of a design coordination RFI.

Notable Template Features: This construction RFI form includes sections for the requesting party, the recipient, the company contact information, and a detailed description of the requested information. Attach supporting documents and drawings, and note the total number of pages included.

Construction RFI Tracking Log Template

Construction RFI Tracking Log Template

Download a Construction RFI Tracking Log Template for
Excel  | Google Sheets

When to Use This Template: The RFI process can be time-consuming and involve multiple rounds of feedback as you sort issues and seek clarification. Keep your RFIs organized and on track with this spreadsheet template.

Notable Template Features: This template shows the current status and priority for each RFI, along with the date you sent the request and the deadline for responding. After adding your data, you can search for RFIs by number, requester, date, or other details. The template also shows a summary of the total number of RFIs in each status category for a quick overview of open, closed, and delayed items.

Request for Information Response Template

Request for Information Response Template

Download a Request for Information Response Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  Adobe PDF  | Google Docs

When to Use This Template: This template is designed for responding to RFIs issued during the procurement phase of a construction project. Organizations use RFIs at this stage to gather information from multiple suppliers about their products or services, helping to identify potential vendors and develop a request for proposal (RFP) or request for quotation (RFQ).

Notable Template Features: This template covers key vendor details, such as company background, business qualifications, and project-specific capabilities. It also requests disclosures on conflicts of interest, subcontracting practices, and trade organization memberships. Additionally, it standardizes cost estimates and functional requirements to help procurement teams compare vendors objectively.

Basic Elements in All RFI Templates

Construction RFIs vary depending on the kind of information needed. For example, an RFI might involve design clarifications, procedural questions, project timeline adjustments, material changes, or discrepancies between site descriptions and actual conditions. Regardless, all construction RFIs share the same basic elements.

Here is an overview of the key components to include in a general RFI template:

  • RFI Number: Each RFI should be numbered for tracking purposes.
  • Project Name and Location: Some RFIs include a project description or ID number in addition to the project name and address.
  • RFI Submittal Date and Response Deadline: Providing a response deadline indicates the RFI’s priority or urgency.
  • Requester and Respondent Details: Include company contact information along with the name and job title of both the requester and the recipient.
  • Description of the Issue or Request: Clearly describe the problem or information needed, and include potential solutions if relevant.
  • Supporting Documentation: List any attachments, such as visual, technical, or contractual documents.
  • Response With Date: Include space for a response and the actual response date.

An RFI might also include a section specifically for noting estimated changes in cost or project delays. For more tools and information, see our broader selection of request for information templates, which includes an RFI template with a cover letter, an RFI response comparison template, and more.

To learn more about how to write and respond to RFIs, see this guide to construction RFIs.

Related Construction Templates

If you’re using RFIs to clarify project details, you might also need related templates to manage vendor proposals, submittals, and documentation. These templates can help streamline communication, track project materials, and ensure compliance throughout the construction process:

  • Construction RFQ Template: Our collection of RFQ templates includes a construction RFQ, which is available in multiple formats. Check out our guide to mastering the RFQ process for information on the differences between RFQs, RFPs, and RFIs, plus tips for writing the perfect RFQ.
  • Construction RFP Templates: See our construction RFP templates to download a construction management RFP template, residential construction RFP, and other related forms.
  • Construction Submittal Templates: Our compilation of construction submittal templates includes forms for preparing and reviewing submittals, schedule and log templates, a submittal cover letter, and more.
  • Construction Documentation Tracker Template: Download a documentation tracker template, which helps organize drawings, contracts, inspection reports, change orders, and more. Download this resource from our list of free construction management templates.

Improve the RFI Process with Smartsheet for Construction

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