
Smartsheet views offer flexible ways to interact with your data. Choose from a grid for detailed entries, a Gantt chart for clear project timelines, a card for agile workflow management, or a calendar to keep track of deadlines. Switch easily between these views to gain actionable insights tailored to your needs.

Features Sheet View Timeline

Timeline view

You likely work with and manage data in real-time, so you need to visualize things as they happen. Timeline view empowers teams to visualize and manage date-based work in real time. By visualizing tasks along a timeline and grouping information to easily track project components, teams can instantly get the big picture and adjust details with ease.


Features Sheet View Timeline
product ui showing grid view

Grid view

Grid view offers a spreadsheet-like interface and is particularly useful for users who are accustomed to working with spreadsheets but require more advanced project management functionalities. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from simple task tracking to complex project management.

product ui showing grid view
product ui showing gantt view features

Gantt view

Gantt view is a dynamic tool designed for visual project management. It transforms your project details into a comprehensive, easy-to-read Gantt chart – a horizontal bar chart that displays a project schedule. It’s great for understanding task relationships and managing dependencies.

product ui showing gantt view features

Views by the numbers






of assets

Smartsheet board view

Board view New

Board view is a visual and interactive way to manage projects and tasks. It’s ideal for teams that prefer a visual approach to task management or use Agile Methodologies. It simplifies organizing, prioritizing, and collaborating — making tracking projects more engaging and straightforward.

Smartsheet board view
product UI showing calendar view

Calendar view

Calendar view is designed to offer a date-based perspective on tasks and projects, displaying them in a familiar calendar format. This view is ideal for managing schedules, ensuring that deadlines are met, and appropriate resources are allocated over time.

product UI showing calendar view

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