Smartsheet integration with ChatGPT

By AMX Germany GmbH

Seamlessly integrate ChatGPT and Smartsheet to improve efficiency

Contact AMX Germany GmbH

Use the ChatGPT capabilities directly in Smartsheet

Utilizing the  automation capabilities of Smartsheet Bridge we can send any questions or requests directly from a form or sheet to ChatGPT and post back the answer to any Smartsheet item. 

Write automated project summaries as PMO

Automatic creation of project summary texts based on entries in your project plan.
Update your stakeholders like management, customers, business partners in real time with a targeted project summary. See a live example here.

Translation of tasks or assets to overcome language boundaries

Integration of Smartsheet and ChatGPT helps to automate multi-lingual assets management or assign task in an employee's local language. In multi-national distributed teams, ChatGPT + Smartsheet enable a real-time collaboration in multiple languages. For example, if a project managers defines tasks in English, they can be automatically translated to other local languages. Check the example here.

Automation of blog post creation for marketing 

When working on marketing campaigns, LinkedIn posts or other social media updates, your team just needs to key in a few key words and a text is being created for you automatically. Writing style can be adjusted to match your addresses' likings and your company's standards. Check the example here.

Key Features

  • Provide real-time translation for teams working on international projects which can help to overcome language barriers and improve communication and collaboration.
  • Providing project status updates to help to keep everyone informed on progress and identify any potential issues that need to be addressed.
  • Creating meaningful content for marketing and communication within seconds
  • Generating task lists and schedules that can assist in generating task lists and schedules by analyzing project requirements.
  • Reach out to AMX to discuss your individual situation and specific use cases to drive work efficiency

How to get it:

Contact AMX  to learn about more examples and use cases, and how they can help.