Inline Sparkline Generator
By Smart4B
Sparklines are the most effective way of comparing numbers fast and easy inline within your own Smartsheet. No need to make or go to your dashboard to see updates.

Contact Smart4B
An effective and appealing way to easily and fast compare numbers
Visualize your key information to make quick decisions based upon your live data without leaving your sheet. Simply add/modify the numbers and see them visualised inline within your own sheet as a line, bar, column in the color of your choice with/without labels.
How to get it:
After requesting, Smart4B provide you a sheet and report where some working examples are embedded. This is your start for your own custom made modifications. Smart4B will host the backend either on a dedicated server or a shared server to generate the sparklines. Either way: Your data is your data and will not be hosted or logged anywhere else than with your sheet.