Smartsheet Professional Services Workshop

Smartsheet Professional Services

Solution Strategy & Design Workshop

Accelerate project outcomes by aligning your people and process, and designing a solution mapped to your business needs. 

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Workshop Benefits

  • Professional Solutions Discovery Workshop

    Drive stakeholder alignment across your organization and get stakeholder buy-in for your desired future state solution. 

  • Map your critical business processes into a Smartsheet solution design that considers the arrangement, interaction and interdependence of your products, your data, and integration needs. 

  • Smartsheet Architecture Solutions

    Create an actionable plan that includes your final future state solution architecture, product recommendations, and training and adoption strategy. 

Workshop in practice

With an in-person option or flexible virtual option, our Professional Services team will engage in a workshop in partnership with your team. During the workshop, our experts will develop key insights about your stakeholders, processes, and technology capabilities in order to identify optimization opportunities. At the end of the workshop, you will be presented with key observations on how to best align your people and process as well as receive best practice solution recommendations tailored to your specific use case.


  • Draft and validate the workshop’s agenda
  • Confirm format, dates, and attendees of the workshop
  • Collect and review customer documentation (examples include organization charts, process flow diagrams, and other relevant use case materials)
  • Conduct working sessions with key stakeholders
  • Map user roles and workflows of current state processes
  • Identify organizational objectives and pain points


  • Document learnings from Align
  • Develop a recommended future state process diagram and solution architecture based on observations
  • Develop a proposed project structure and delivery schedule
  • Draft a Statement of Work outlining recommended future state solution architecture and implementation structure/schedule
  • Prepare a readout for customer leadership
  • Present the readout including activities completed, observations made, and recommendations proposed based on the workshop

Example deliverables

  • Maturity Assessment
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Solution Taxonomy
  • Process Maps
  • Future State Solution Architecture
  • Workshop Readout
  • Draft Statement of Work (including proposed project structure/schedule)

With over 15,000 successful engagements, and an industry-leading 4.7 CSAT score, Smartsheet Professional Services brings value to businesses faster.