Changeosity empowers clients with comprehensive yet simple Smartsheet dashboards
Changeosity guides customers along their project management journey. With personalised, comprehensive dashboards in Smartsheet, Changeosity brings accountability and effectiveness to its clients

“Our Smartsheet-powered solution helps people remember what they need to do, removing obstacles they face in executing tasks. It's about following through.”
Chief Executive Officer at Changeosity
Changeosity, a boutique advisory firm, helps small and medium enterprises improve and grow their business. “Our core areas of expertise include developing strategies, nurturing leadership, enhancing organisational culture and values, implementing change management programs, and ensuring effective governance,” explains Krysta Fox, Chief Executive Officer at Changeosity.
The company needed a solution that would allow Changeosity to offer a Project Management Office (PMO) approach to its clients.
“I tried so many tools on the market, but none of them met our criteria—I would usually have to do a lot of grunt work myself or it would still end up too complicated for our customers.”
Holistic, yet simple
The key was striking a balance between ease of use and comprehensiveness: “We had to guide multiple business leaders, many of whom had no clue about Gantt charts or project management,” says Fox. “We were teaching these new change agents to run projects and we needed to introduce elements like risk management without complicating things. On the other hand, we had to present a professional, impressive output to the leadership group.”
Fox, guided by Smartsheet Gold Partner Accienta, soon realised that Smartsheet fit the bill perfectly, enabling the team to produce impressive assets that were easy to use. “We tweaked Smartsheet templates to streamline everything into one place and equip our customers with project management skills they’d never had before,” shares Fox.
A good example was a one-year change management program that Changeosity ran with a construction firm. “This involved 12 projects,” explains Leoney Panday, Administrative and Marketing Manager at Changeosity. “Thanks to Smartsheet’s ability to consolidate data from various sheets into a central dashboard, we were able to easily create project plans and dashboards for each project. All we had to do was build a dashboard for one project and duplicate and tweak it for the other 11, saving countless hours.”
Helping customers make sense of data
The idea of personalising dashboards and other assets also proved useful in other occasions. “We've been collaborating with one client's leadership team for four years now,” says Fox. “Over time, a lot of strategic content, psychometric assessments, coaching feedback, and risk management data has accumulated. They found it challenging to navigate this vast pool of information—a common struggle for C-suite leaders.” So, Changeosity created personalised dashboards for each leader, with a central hub on Smartsheet where they can now access everything related to strategy, leadership, governance, and change management.
”I take great pride in empowering these organisations. I never had that kind of support when I was a C-level executive,” adds Fox.
Transforming culture, bringing accountability
Changeosity soon saw a new opportunity to leverage Smartsheet: the team created structured templates for meeting agendas and minutes, enabling quick tracking of decisions and actions. “We linked relevant documents from clients' drives into Smartsheet, forming a comprehensive board review pack. The agenda and meeting minutes are all managed within Smartsheet.”
After generating board meeting minutes efficiently, all details are instantly flagged and integrated into Smartsheet, where all decisions and actions are tracked. “This allows us to prepare everything for the chair's review by the day after the board meeting,” adds Fox. “Within 48 hours, the finalised minutes are sent to the client for approval and distribution, which is a very rapid turnaround.” With actions pouring in from multiple sources, Changeosity relied on Dynamic View to combine everything into customised reports relevant to each employee. “This gave us the chance to review a consolidated list of tasks, which made accountability more straightforward,” continues Fox.
According to Fox, this approach led to significant transformations within customer organisations.
“It’s not just about pretty dashboards. It's about following through on commitments. Our Smartsheet-powered solution helps people remember what they need to do, removing obstacles they face in executing tasks. It helps our customers change their culture, and constantly check in with Smartsheet to make sure that they are delivering on their promises.”
Small team, big results
Importantly, Smartsheet has also transformed the culture and rhythm within Changeosity, making the team faster and more efficient. “Everything is automated, and we never have to worry about attaching the right document or sending reports around,” says Fox. “When we have a new client, we’ve already got a lot of things ready, minimising setup time.”
Fox finds it hard to calculate how many hours the team has already saved, but she has other ways of weighing team efficiency. “I can build a really impressive dashboard in a couple of minutes, something similar to what big consulting firms would produce,” she says. “I’m sure our clients would be shocked to discover how small our team is, considering what we’re capable of doing. The secret is using technology to multiply our output.”